Formation of visual practices of modern artistic field: socio-cultural preconditions


  • Olena Pavlova



visual practices, artistic field, modern art, Modern


The purpose of the work is to study the formation of visual practices in the Modern artistic field and their socio- cultural background. Research methodology is the use of comparative, historical and logical methods. The mentioned above methodological approach of the research allows to reveal and to analyze certain models concerning the specific socio-cultural parameters of autonomy and institutionalization of modern art. Scientific novelty of the research consists in expanding of the concept of visual culture role in the development of the modern world picture. The study reconstructs the socio-cultural context of the Modern art institutionalization and its visual dimension in the following characteristics: the differentiation degree of material and spiritual practices; loss of spiritual culture monopoly by religion; absolutization of subject-object opposition; the contrast between rational and sensual and dominance of time over the space. Conclusions. Visual orientation of Modern Art was a vector of forming of this historical and cultural period, especially in the aspect of creating of new patterns of human corporality, the development of new techniques and themes of art and formation of bases of the trust in the regime of human vision.

Author Biography

Olena Pavlova

Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy), professor, professor at the Department of Ethics, Aesthetics and Cultural studies of the Kyiv National University named after T. Shevchenko


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