Methods of work of orest oliynyk with the student choir of uman state musical school


  • Ivan Chupashko



Orest Oliynyk, work with choir, conductor activity, intonation, arranging, choral class


The purpose of the work. The research covers the main methods of work of the famous Ukrainian conductor and teacher Orestes Oliynyk with the student chorus of Uman State Musical School. Chorus management as an individual process requires not only methodical teaching skills, but also intuitive approaches in communication with the singers and the ability to motivate them. Methodology of research is the use of historical-hereditary method as a basis for revealing of the creative accomplishments of the conductor as an artistic personality. The above methodological approach allows to reveal and to analyze those innovations in the work of the choir used by the conductor in his choral classes. This makes it possible to reveal innovative approaches in the chorus management on the personal level. Scientific novelty of work lies in the fact that in the Ukrainian musical pedagogy this study for the first time reviews and analyzes the main methods of work of Orestes Oliynyk with the student choir of Uman State Musical School. Attention is paid to an integrated approach to teacher-choirmaster training of future highly qualified conductors. The study defines sequence of skills development, which effectively contribute to the deep professional knowledge acquiring of future choir managers. Conclusions. Conductor-choral work of Orest Oliynyk with the student choir of Uman Musical School was an example of skillful management of creative team. He was able in a short time to develop his own method of qualified conductor-choirmasters training that was effective and educationally motivated. Overall, it was a creative direction and encouraged students to create on the individual and the collective levels. The system of training of highly qualified personnel, developed by Orest Oliynyk, was a success not only among students and graduates, but among his fellow teachers.

Author Biography

Ivan Chupashko

Honored Artist of Ukraine, Associate Professor, Head of department of Orchestral Conducting of Lviv M. Lysenko National Musical Academy


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