Neoclassical Tendencies in Jeanne Kolodub’s Creative Work (through the Example of Partita for Chamber Orchestra)


  • Rimma Sulim



modern Ukrainian music, J. Kolodub’s orchestral compositions, neoclassical tendencies, genre of Partita


The objective of the article. The study reveals neoclassical tendencies in the creative work of the Ukrainian composer Jeanne Kolodub. The analysis of different stylistic directions of the second half of the 20th – the beginning of the 21st centuries is a topical issue in the contemporary music studies, since the synthesis of various styles is observed in the music of this period. Scientific novelty. For the first time in the national musicology Partita for chamber orchestra by J. Kolodub (1986) has been analysed in detail, and the peculiarities of its dramaturgy,  imaginative-emotional content, musical language and structure have been investigated. Combination of modern means of expression with characteristic features of baroque and classicism, presented in the composition, is disclosed. Research Methodology. Historical-comparative method is used in order to highlight the characteristic features of Partita by J. Kolodub in terms of inheritance of baroque and classical traditions. In addition, the methodology of the structure analysis of a  literary text, essential in modern art and literature criticism, is used. Conclusions. In "Partita" by J. Kolodub neo-classical tendencies are shown up primarily in the use of the old-time genres of partita, prelude, jig, saraband, menuet and rondo widely-spread in Baroque and Classicism periods. In the same time, via modern means of expression the composer managed not only to convey the external features or merely structural elements of these music styles and genres, but also to recreate their peculiar imaginative-emotional content. Slow Prelude of lyrical and philosophical plan presents a contrast to the fast and fun Gig, which has a light and playful character. Saraband, the dramatic culmination of  the cycle, depicts the images of human sufferings. Graceful and gallant Menuet is presented in a quite humorous nature, and in the final Rondo due to fast and active theme continuous and joyous movement of life is reproduced. In J. Kolodub’s Partita one can feel a romantic attitude of modern people to the art of distant ages, – mostly with genuine delight, and sometimes even with humor. The article emphasizes the originality of the conception of the composition.

Author Biography

Rimma Sulim

Ph.D. in History of Arts, assistant professor, associate professor of musical and instrumental performance of Sumy State Pedagogical University named A. S. Makarenko


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