Тhe problem of "tretia the person" aristotle in aspect mplementat principle rekursivno


  • Valery Sievers




recursive implementation, intentional object, transcendence, "the third man"


The purpose of the article is to establish a hierarchy idea invariant in philosophy and mathematical recursive function as illustrations of the philosophical idea of "eternal return". Methodology. Recursiveness as a method arises in accumulated and "sorted" arguments, mode of existence of individual consciousness in the structure of reality and the structure of consciousness outside the individual field of meanings and fields of physical interactions of material and ideal elements of reality, which, hypothetically, allows the existence of any limited structures and meanings. The scientific novelty of the work arises by the text composing cohesion means (syntactic reconciliation) and coherence (meaning unity) of the text, that is, ensuring its integrity. Unity of recursive and recurrent (EPP) allows and requires to assume that certain intentional object, regardless of its form is a material thing, a myth, an image, a concept, a lexical unit, a category, fetish, speech, a man, the whole universe, etc.can be accepted as a basic condition of creation that according to the law of further development already includes its future image and deployment scenario (archetype). Aristotle's conclusions about the "third man" in a certain way guesses the problem of consciousness in the form in which it appeared in the 20th century European philosophy and in our time. The logic is that a person's ability to consider the identity from the perspective of his communion with the other identity and from the standpoint of compliance of this identity with his fancy perfect image appears as realization of abilities and properties of consciousness to put (to transcend) itself beyond itself (in this case – beyond the boundaries of the individual) and to remain confident that as such the previous properties (attributes) of the perception as integral unity of an individual, which determine the existence predicate remain unchanged.

Author Biography

Valery Sievers

doctor of philosophical science, Professor, Professor of the National Academy of Culture and Arts Management


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