Postfolklore in postmodern paradigm: articulation of the problem




postmodern culture paradigm, post-folklore texts, intertextuality, rhizome, game by meanings Internet environment


The aim of the article is to study post-folklore within the postmodern cultural paradigm, taking into account the postmodern reception of its development. The methodology of the research consists in the application of analytical, culturological and comparative methods in studying the characteristic features and features of postmodern culture, the general principles of creation and the same characteristic features of the emergence of postfolklore in the Internet envi­ronment. The scientific novelty of the research is that post-folklore was first studied in the context of the postmodern cultural paradigm. The characteristic signs of the post-folklore of the Internet environment and the key principles of creating post-modern cultural texts were analyzed. Conclusions. As a result of the research, it was established that the post-folklore of the Internet environment, which in the context of the postmodern culture paradigm absorbed the domi­nant principles of creation and tools of postmodern culture, became a new cultural phenomenon in comprehending the phenomena of actual reality, becoming a source of creative self-expression and creativity. The influence of the infor­mation and communication environment of the Internet has affected the attraction of such postmodern principles of post-folklore texts as intertextuality, citation, collage, play by signs and meanings, and the technological substrate has become decisive in the formation of genre diversity and means of artistic expressiveness. The post-folklore of the In­ternet environment as a discrete and fragmented space is fully a product of postmodern culture, reflecting the objective reality mosaically, addressing to numerous cultural achievements, their signs, contextual background knowledge, pre­senting relevant and socially significant information and life events in the form of laconic and semiotic saturated texts.

Author Biography

Zhanna Denysyuk

PhD in Culturology, Head of research and publishing department of National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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