Mykola Pototskyi as a magnate and philanthropist


  • Natalia Kolosova



philanthropy activity, art, sculpture, culture, funding, financial support


The purpose of the research. This study examines philanthropy activity of Mykola Pototskyi. Mykola Potot- skyi is characterized as a historical figure, magnate and prominent philanthropist. Research methodology. Diversity of arts patronage phenomenon causes the need to study it in interdisciplinary research using the principle of polimethodo- lism. The conceptual approach is based on a scientific understanding of philanthropy as a complete, complex and inde­pendent cultural phenomenon. Scientific novelty. The conceptual idea of our work is to highlight the historically conditioned domestic nature of sponsorship phenomenon and awareness of the importance of national patronage history for adequate understanding of the nature of traditional and modern forms of this specific type of charity. Conclusions. Philanthropy activity of Mykola Pototskyi was focused primarily on the construction and decoration of Catholic and Greek Catholic churches, provision of productive implementation of creative workshops (“factories”) in his estates and support of the prominent representatives of two generations of Lviv sculpture school. Magnate Mykola Pototskyi was a controversial figure, but his long-term and large-scale charitable activity in favor of Ukrainian culture determines his place in a cohort of prominent Ukrainian philanthropists. Among the motivating factors that led to the selection of patronage objects moral, religious, aesthetic and patriotic ones dominated.

Author Biography

Natalia Kolosova

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate professor of Kiev National University of Culture and Arts


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