Dmytro Gnatyuk - from practice to theory: generalization of performing experience in Opera Studio


  • Viktor Bondarchuk



creative personality, performance interpretation, art testing, drama work, academic performance, opera studio


Purpose of the research. is to generalize performing and directing experience of D.M. Gnatyuk, related to his activities in the Opera Studio. Problem of spiritual identification of the nation and identity of its traditions and aesthetic priorities is rather acute in present realities. Therefore, by appealing to the traditions laid down by previous generations, we do not only hold the flowing of nowadays, but also structure the powerful coordinates of future cultural and artistic space of Ukraine. The methodology involves including of analysis problem into the area of historical, art and cultural discourse with mandatory fixing of the issue in interdisciplinary context. The scientific novelty of the research consists in exploration of creative career of D.Gnatyuk during his directing work in the Opera Studio of the Conservatory. Analytical parallels between the creative and performing, teaching and public will create optimal conditions for the disclosure of the multifaceted nature of the performer of the twentieth century - Dmytro Gnatyuk. Conclusion. Working in the Opera Studio, Dmytro Mykhailovych realized his dream - performed creative mission and implemented his cherished internal guidelines. He formed a strong basis for the national opera, brought out Ukrainian opera classics into the world and universal recognition and cemented in the minds of young actors sense of responsibility for the national original heritage - Ukrainian song, word, theater.

Author Biography

Viktor Bondarchuk

PhD in Art History, Associate of P.I.Tchaikovsky NMAU


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