From color symbolism to the drama of the color in screen arts


  • Yuri Garmash
  • Aleksandr Pryadko



symbolism, dramaturgy, color, culture, art, screen, frame, film


Purpose of the work is to study the origin of the historical and cultural factors of the formation and evolution of color symbolism as well as its influence on the processes of formation and development of the drama of color charac­ters in the screen arts. Methodology of the research consists in the application of general scientific principle of objectiv­ity, cultural and structural and functional analytic methods for the analysis of the theoretical work of artistic direction and works of screen art (films), which are the subject field for the color characters. Scientific novelty of the work lies in a comprehensive approach to the concepts of color symbolism and the drama of the color, as objects of humanitarian studies and cultural understanding of this phenomenon in the context of trends of the development of screen arts. Conclusions. Even despite the fact that the on-screen color images actually contain only additional information which helps to penetrate deeper into the drama of television or cinematographic works, for audience color symbolism and the drama of the color are extremely important components of descriptive row in screen arts.

Author Biographies

Yuri Garmash

Director of Photography, associate professor of the department of cinematography of Kiev National University of Culture and Arts

Aleksandr Pryadko

PhD (Eng.), Associate professor of Kiev National University of Culture and Arts


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