Guitar music of Anton Garcia Abril: artistic images of ancient Spain


  • Tymur Ivannikov



Spanish guitar music, A. Abril’s creativity, art images, the art of Mudejar, style eclecticism


The purpose of the work. The research paper studies influence of the historical and cultural traditions of Spanish art on the formation of artistic images in the guitar music of Anton Garcia Abril. The research methodology consists in the use of phenomenological, comparative and structural-functional methods that allow expanding the horizon of cognitive search and extracting the key characteristics of the studying phenomenon. The scientific novelty lies in the phenomenological approach to the analysis of the guitar works by Anton Garda Abril unexplored in musicology. The analysis has revealed the influence of the historical and cultural traditions of Spanish art, including its non-musical phenomena on the creation of the gallery of artistic images of guitar music of Abril, which have assimilated various ethnic origins. Conclusions. Analyzed guitar compositions - "Concierto Aguediano", "Concierto Mudejar", "Sonata del Portico" - reveal the primary associative links with artistic images of architectural monuments and correlate to the ancient Spanish temples (St. James Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela) and palaces of Moorish architecture, the art of Mudejar (Teruel’s cathedrals, Palace of Alhambra). The aesthetics of ethno-cultural Spanish © Иванников Т. П., 2017 syncretism in the composer’s music is realized by mixing Arabic melismatics and rhythms of Spanish dances (Aragonese hota, Galician muineira, Andalusian saeta) with non-academic influences of jazz art.

Author Biography

Tymur Ivannikov

PhD in Arts, doctoral candidate of theory and history of musical performance department of the Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine


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