Qualitative evaluation of the colour aesthetic parameters in the advertising graphics


  • Svitlana Pryshchenko
  • Yevgen Rulchev




advertising graphics, eclecticism, aesthetic parameters, harmony of colour, qualimetric method


The purpose of article is to determine and justify the use of qualimetric methods of aesthetic colour assessment in advertising, as visual advertising communications are one of the most important elements of identification of goods, services and their producers in the urban environment and virtual information space. Methodology is presented by comparative and qualitative methods of assessment of aesthetic parameters of colour in the advertising graphics. Scientific novelty. For the first time in Ukraine, qualimetrics is justified and applied for aesthetic evaluation of advertising products. Conclusions. Qualimetric method must be used to assess the aesthetic level of color in the advertising schedule. This will generally optimize the design process. Coloristic testing in focus groups by the method of questioning should take place at the initial stage of visualization of the advertising idea and be of practical use in the process of bringing new brands to the market.

Author Biographies

Svitlana Pryshchenko

Doctor habil. In Design, Professor of the Institute of Design and Advertising of the Kiev National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts

Yevgen Rulchev

Doctor in technical Sciene, Professor of the Institute of Design and Advertising of the Kiev National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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