Analysis of the plot of Ukrainian icon "Assumption of the Mother of God” of XIII-XVIII centuries


  • Alexander Tsuhorka



Assumption of the Mother of God, artistic language, icon, plot, image


Purpose of the article. The purposes of the article are to research the symbols of the ancient icon’s tradition, to analyse the main particularities of icons of the cloud type of Assumption of the Mother of God and icons, which illustrate "Legend about Assumption" and engravings of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. Methodology. The methodology of the research consists of art history and culturological approaches, general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis and the principle of historicism. Scientific Novelty. The author pays attention to the image that shows the Apostles, who make way in the centre behind Mary’s bed. At this moment the Son of God is appearing, for whom Mary was striving. She devoted all her life to him and all Her emotions and thoughts were oriented to God. For the sake of Him She suffered great pain, having passed all the Way of the Cross with Her heaven-born Son. In gratitude for that, She carried the Son of God in Her arms, when He was a baby, the Son of God was carrying Her in His arms at the beginning of her Heaven life. Conclusions. The work studied the development of "Assumption of the Mother of God" plot in Ukrainian icons of XIII - XVIII centuries. It highlights the main characteristics of iconography traditions and evolution of its image and stylistic particularities. The mentioned examples of the icon "Assumption of the Mother of God" make up only a little part of the great spiritual, cultural and artistic heritage.

Author Biography

Alexander Tsuhorka

Honored worker of Arts of Ukraine, Associate professor of the Department of painting and Composition, national Academy of Arts and Architecture


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