Analysis of the professional competencies in the course of studying the discipline "Choreographer art” (Bachelor level)


  • Maxim Bevz



competence approach, choreographer art, professional and artistic competences, choreography and staging work


The purpose of the work is to study professional competencies, acquired by students of the ball choreography speci­ality while studying the course “Choreographer Art”. Methodology of the research consists in applying methods of analysis and synthesis, systematization and generalization, specification and classification. Scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that through the prism of expanded professional competencies, there is developing a view on the choreographer as the subject of choreographic creativity and composition and as a generator and creator of the methods of planning of organiza­tional and creative concert, tutoring, staging and educational work with the team. Conclusions. It is confirmed that profes­sional competencies provide the ability to produce and to make qualitative choreographic work and original stage productions, helping the students-choreographers to develop not only analytic-synthetic and artistic and design abilities with respect to the choreographic text, but also pedagogical skills, characterised by a specific idiom, style and staging techniques.

Author Biography

Maxim Bevz

Theacher of the department of baall choreography of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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