Phenomenon of "perpetual motion” in music and visual arts


  • Tetjana Borysenko



perpetual motion, cohesion, connotation, mythologema, genesis, symbol


The purpose of the research is to identify differences and common features in PM connotations in certain branches of artistic and imaginative creativity and to investigate the integration of the PM phenomenon in the process of development of musical and visual arts. The research methodology includes comparative cultural-historical method, by which the samples of the works of different styles are studied. Based on the comparative method PM connotations in music, sculpture and painting in the context of art history discourse are considered. Scientific novelty. The PM phenomenon in art has not been studied consistenly and individual studies were not of generalizing and system nature. Taking into consideration the symbol universality, there was a need to identify and compare the figurative PM connotations in music and other arts. The novelty of the work lies in the identification of cross-cutting links between PM implementations, in trans-historical study of the development and interaction of diverse samples of this phenomenon. Conclusions. Based on the study of the PM genesis there has been identified cohesion and integral character of this symbol in various branches of art, which is manifested primarily in implementation of common shapes (circle and spiral). The study also shows the general trends in music and fine arts, revealing similar figurative connotations, which makes it possible to understand deeper the PM role as a mythologema, in general development of European culture of XIX-XXI centuries.

Author Biography

Tetjana Borysenko

Postgraduate of National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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