The process of creating music product using innovation technologies of sound recording (through tne example of vocal-ensemble group "Duke Time”)


  • Denys Kocherzhuk



"Duke Time", innovative music technology, recording systems, music products, computer music programs


The purpose of the work is to study the processes of creating of modern arrangements through innovative technological systems, using the example of Ukrainian music group "Duke Time". It reproduces the main positions and rules of the recording process, reviews general principles of using of sound recording components and their structural components for new sounding of a music product. Research methodology consists in the comparative analysis and deductive method. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the examination of the arrangements of "Duke Time" music in both live performances and recording studio. Using the comparative method, the author has compared American group "Naturally 7" and the Ukrainian group. “Duke Time” has become one of the first groups in Ukraine, which managed to give a vivid example of fine and quality sound recording application software and components. Thanks to its complicated requirements for quality musical product, the highest degree of vocal control and professional work of sound engineer and studio equipment, the group has reproduced many cover versions of famous music tracks and has created its own. Conclusions. Having studied the key positions of recording equipment in the specifics of concert and studio use, we can state that "DukeTime" is a leading group in Ukraine, which has applied all the positions of the recording process, having considered the general principles of sound recording components through the example of the US team "Naturally 7". In Ukraine, this trend is just beginning to gain momentum. Members of the group together with the sound designing team through the examples of foreign studio companies have singled out common positions necessary for bringing together their own musical material. This makes it possible for the group "DukeTime" to create quality arrangements and their sound engineering, which can compete at the international level among similar groups.

Author Biography

Denys Kocherzhuk

Graduate student of Musical Arts Dept. of jazz and pop singing Kiev National University of Culture and Arts


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