Creative work of Maria Burmaka and Alyona Vinnytska in the context of Ukrainian pop rock development


  • Viacheslav Ovsiannikov



Ukrainian rock music, pop rock, Maria Burmaka, Alyona Vinnytska


The purpose of the research is to define pop rock as one of the areas of rock art through the example of such popular Ukrainian performers as Maria Burmaka and Alyona Vinnytska. Research methodology lies in application of integrated approach, which allows considering the work of pop rock performers as an integral phenomenon of the modem popular music culture, particularly, analyzing their poetic, composer and performer’s work in inseparable synthetic unity that is typical for minstrel tradition, to which the rock music belongs. Scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time in Ukrainian science there have been analyzed the creative work of such performers of 2000-s as Maria Burmaka and Alyona Vinnytska, namely lyrics and style guidelines of the genre and image. Conclusions. The creative work of Maria Burmaka and Alyona Vinnytska is representative for Ukrainian rock music in one of the most popular of its branches - pop rock. Both performers represent various sides of Ukrainian pop rock that © Овсянніков В. Г., 2017 have different origins, poetic and musical orientations. Maria Burmaka bases on the national musical traditions. Her work covers bard, folk and pop rock directions, the combination of which creates a unique personal style of the performer. In her texts, the singer focuses on Ukrainian folk poetry and creative work of the 20th century authors. That makes her texts rich in content and poetically perfect. Alyona Vinnytska as the author of the texts and music of her songs focuses on the traditions of Russian rock, originally combining them with elements of show business and using its advantageous elements for the development of her own artistic image.

Author Biography

Viacheslav Ovsiannikov

Postgraduate student of the Kiev National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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