National cuisine is a complex of cultural and domestic traditions of Ukrainians


  • Olena Plyuta



Ukrainian cuisine, food, culinary, gastronomy, traditions, social culture


The purpose of the article is to elucidate the origins and historical evolution of Ukrainian cuisine, taking into account the traditions and factors of its formation. Research methodology is based on the application of general scientific methods (system, structural-functional, genetic, etc.) with the involvement of research settings of socio­cultural analysis of phenomena and processes. Scientific novelty consists in justifying the need to study not only the origins of Ukrainian cuisine, but also the forms of its representation, essential features, functions and role in the social culture of society. Conclusions. Rich historical past determined the regional nature of Ukrainian cuisine and its features related to the social culture of Ukrainians. Ukrainian cuisine comes from rural dishes based on cereals and vegetables; its originality is expressed in the use of pork, fat, beet and wheat flour, as well as in the combined heat treatment of a large number of dish components. Many of the dishes of Ukrainian cuisine acquired the status of ethnic symbols, which was determined through the recognition of certain dishes by Ukrainians as a kind of code of their social culture.

Author Biography

Olena Plyuta

Postgraduate student of Kiev National University of Culture and Arts


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