Amateur Theater Festival as a Means of Intercultural Communication


  • Svitlana Sobolevska



cultural field, value criteria, artistic communication, festival of amateur theatres


The purpose of the work is to study the activities of the main international festivals of amateur theatres held in Ukraine in the 1990-s - 2000-s as a special structure, that draws public attention to the preservation and development of aesthetic and humanistic values at the turn of the century. The methodology of the research includes the axiological method for determining the value criteria of representatives of different cultures and segments of society in a single cultural space during the international festivals of amateur theatres; the culturological, diachronic, comparative methods and the method of concretization for identification of the peculiarities of the international festivals of amateur theatres in Ukraine in connection with certain conditions of the country's historical development, the social state of the society and readiness for artistic communication of representatives of different cultures. Scientific novelty lies in the study of the importance of organizing and holding festivals of amateur theatrical art, especially international ones, as they contribute to the emergence of creative links between amateur groups and intercultural communication. Conclusions. In the context of globalization, the holding of international festivals of amateur theatres contributes both to the enrichment of Ukrainian culture and the identification of further prospects for its development, as well as to the intensification of intercultural communication.

Author Biography

Svitlana Sobolevska

Postgraduate of the culturology and cultural projects department Kiev National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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