Spiritual-cultural and scientific-pedagogical heritage of the Archbishop of Chernihiv and Nizhyn Varlaam (Denisov, 1804-1873)


  • Dmytro Viedienieiev National Academy of Cultural and Arts Management, Ukraine
  • Father Moisey (Dmytro) Filonenko




Spiritual Life, Orthodoxy, Culture, Theologians, History of Ukrainian Culture, History of the Orthodox Church, Archbishop Varlaam (Denisov)


Purpose of the article. Scientific reconstruction of archpastoral activity and contribution of the well-known figure of the Orthodox Church, Archbishop of Chernihiv and Nizhyn (in 1866-1871) Varlaam (Denisov, 1804-1873 biennium) to the development of theological science and spiritual and cultural life of Ukraine. Methodology. The methodological basis of the study consists from the complex application of methods set of scientific knowledge: general scientific (philosophical) methods; special scientific methods; branch methods of historical science, tools of the other socio-humanitarian knowledge. In particular, the use of the historical system method allowed to investigate the cultural and intellectual biography of the priest (bishop) as an important structural and functional element of the Church's existence, to identify the leading factors of the influence of the spiritual, state and social life of a particular era on the definition of the content of the spiritual and cultural activity of a certain ecclesiastical figure in Ukraine. Scientific Novelty. The scientific relevance of the work is determined by the attempt to reveal, for the first time, the formation of the spiritual, cultural and scientific-pedagogical heritage of Bishop Varlaam as a reflection of the transformation processes in the national state-church relations and socio-cultural sphere in the '60s and '70s of XIX. Conclusions. Archbishop Varlaam's creative heritage as a church writer, author of the liturgical texts and preacher, archaeologist and theologian demonstrates the breadth of his theological erudition, education and ascetic experience. The activity of Archbishop Varlaam as a systematizer and researcher (publisher) of ancient monastic manuscripts, as well as one of the founders of the genre of the eparchial chronicle, which was of great importance for the formation of the empirical basis for further historical and church research, can be highly appreciated. Archbishop Varlaam (Denisov), who served and fell asleep on Ukrainian soil and now serves as one of the models of archpystered selfless ministry, serves as a vivid example of the galaxy of large-scale figures of the Episcopate of the Orthodox Church of the XVIII-XIX, which harmoniously combined church-administrative, scientific-pedagogical, missionary, charity work, humanity and insight, talent of bearing the word of God.


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