Features of the managerial culture of late industrialism


  • Elena Kovalenko National Academy of Supervisory Frame of Culture and Arts, Ukraine




management culture, late industrialism society


The purpose of the article is a theoretical and methodological analysis of the formation of the managerial cul- ture of late industrialism. The methodology of research is the dialectical principle of cognition, sociocultural and his- torical approaches of the systems, fundamental positions of theory and history of management culture. The scientific and interdisciplinary methods of research are used: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison, for- malization. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is the generalization of theoretical propositions regarding the emergence, formation, and development of a culture of management of late industrialism, identify the specific features and regularities of these processes. Conclusions. The formation of managerial culture of late industrialism, based on quantitative, system and situational approaches, refers to the period of the glorious 30th anniversary in the history of capitalism and socialism, that is, until the post-war period of 1945-1975, although the origin of the elements of the theo- ry of this management took place much earlier. The objective prerequisites for the relevance of both approaches, in this period, began a rapid development of scientific and technological progress, complications of device and environment associations and the failure of the then management science to make effective recommendations for their functioning. The beginning of the spread quantitative approach should be considered the 50-ies In this approach, management is viewed as a logical process, which lends itself to mathematical formalization. Its precondition was the invention of elec- tronic computers, mathematical methods of operations research, modeling and forecasting. This allowed to quickly pro- cess large amounts of information to create a management model with a large number of variables, conditions, and restrictions and to find optimal management solutions. The increasing interdependence has led to a proliferation in the 60-ies of the system approach, from the point of view of which any organization viewed as open, dynamic system, and as a multidimensional phenomenon, designed to ensure the integrity and viability of the system-organization in a chang- ing external environment. In the 70-ies. in the conditions of growing uncertainty, received widespread situational ap- proach, the essence of which is to identify situations and identifying and implementing adequate management actions that allow you to provide a winning position for the organization.

Author Biography

Elena Kovalenko, National Academy of Supervisory Frame of Culture and Arts

Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Art Management and Event Technologies


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