Branding of the city as a subject of culturological research: key positions


  • Oksana Oliinyk Kyiv National Univer- sity of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



branding, city brand, city image, city identification, cultural heritage, tourism, urban population


The purpose of the article - with the definition of key positions to justify the relevance of the study of urban branding within cultural studies. The methodology of the research is based on general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization, etc.). The research is based on an interdisciplinary methodology based on a cultural approach, which has made it possible to achieve its goal. The scientific novelty is to draw attention to the need to take into ac- count a number of cultural phenomena in the city's branding, in particular, the identity and image of the city, the men- tality of the inhabitants, and the cultural heritage. Conclusions. Creating an effective model of urban functioning in line with world standards, in turn, creates the preconditions for them to position themselves as a kind of "security zone", which guarantees an objective, economically favorable competitive environment for business, which in turn contributes to attracting foreign investment. They are these additional levers and resources for preserving cultural and historical achievements and the development of modern convenient and attractive infrastructure for tourists, and therefore, in many respects, determine the cultural and communicative attractiveness of urban space. It enables to form a brand of  the city with a clear positioning of priorities, values, as well as the identification of the city as a cultural and communi- cative space with original traditions and mentality of the inhabitants, united around solving common problems. All the- se key positions, along with the development of tourism, the preservation of cultural heritage, the attraction of investments, etc., are almost key aspects of urban branding and require research within the limits and methods of cul- turology.

Author Biography

Oksana Oliinyk, Kyiv National Univer- sity of Culture and Arts

Lecturer, Department of Hotel and Restaurant and Tourism Business


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