Historical factors of forming of national cultural space


  • Roman Nedzelsky National Academy of Managerial Staff of Cultural and Arts, Ukraine




influence of Christianity, becoming of the medieval Ukrainian culture, development of cultural politics in the period of the Cossack-hetman state, forming of national cultural space in the years of the Ukrainian liberation competitions


Aim of the article is to reduce the historical factors of the forming of national cultural space. The methodolo- gy of the article is based on the interdisciplinary approach that envisages the application of such scientific methods, as an analyst for the opening of basic elements of forming of national cultural space. A scientific novelty consists in re- search of process of development of cultural politics, in such periods: (influence of Christianity is on becoming and development of the medieval Ukrainian culture, development of cultural politics in the period of the Cossack-hetman state, forming of national cultural space in the years of the Ukrainian liberation competitions and forming of public cul- tural policy in Ukraine in the conditions of independence). Conclusions. A major value is acquired by the problem of legislative determination of state status of Ukrainian and distribution of her functioning in all spheres of life.


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