Mykola Kolessa’s pedagogical methods (based on memoirs and interviewing his students and colleagues)


  • Iryna Bermes



Mykola Kolessa, a teacher, conducting technique, skillfulness


Purpose of the article. To reveal the methods of training and education of conductors used by M. Kolessa‘s in his pedagogical activity. Methodology. The main methods of research are interviewing and generalization, which made it possible to distinguish the pedagogical experience of the outstanding conductor and theorist, the author of the textbook «Fundamentals of conducting techniques», the founder of M. Kolessa Lviv conducting the school. Scientific novelty. The article is the first to outline Professor‘s pedagogical experience who perceived the process of learning in the unity of the two components: as «the creation of man» (V. Sukhomlynsky) and the upbringing of a high-level musician. Conclusions. The author generalizes the main principles the Professor‘s practical work with the students, aimed at mastering the technique of conducting, studying the choral score, enabling the work to be «read» and interpreted. For M. Kolessa, the creation of man is not only the influence of a teacher on his students (both a man and a musician-professional), but also a painstaking work on self-improvement. It is emphasized that the basic dominant of M. Kolessa‘s pedagogical skills can be successfully used in the practical activity of teachers and students, and, consequently, introduced into the educational process of higher education.

Author Biography

Iryna Bermes

Dr. of Sc. in Arts, professor of the methodology of music education and conducting, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogic University


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