Church and religious life of the Armenian Diaspora of Ukraine in the 1-st half of the 20th century


  • Iryna Hayuk



abbot, Armenians, Armenian Apostolic Church, Armenian Catholic Church, culture, diaspora, diocese, parish


The purpose of the article. The aim of the work is the holistic coverage and analysis of the specifics of the church-religious life of the Armenian communities of different regions of Ukraine in the 1-st half of the 20th century. The research methodology includes the methods of comparative analysis and synthesis, as well as historicity and contextuality. The scientific novelty of the research consists in reproducing the overall picture of the church-religious life of the Armenian communities of Ukraine, taking into account the specifics of the historical development of various regions of the country as a result of being under the authority of various states. Conclusions. The church-religious life of the Armenian communities in the Ukrainian lands, unlike other forms of public life, continued to preserve the specific features inherent in the culture of the Armenian people. All other forms of diaspora organizations (national representations, cultural centers, etc.) were always associated with Armenian church centers, and where such forms were absent, it was the church that continued to perform the function of a spiritual and cultural ethnic-consolidating factor in the life of Armenian communities.

Author Biography

Iryna Hayuk

Ph.D., docent of the academic department of the art‟s management of Lviv National Academy of Arts


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