The specificity of the philosophical and artistic comprehension of the world as a problem of the integrity of spiritual culture


  • Оlena Kunderevich



spiritual culture, philosophy, art, creativity, freedom, man


The purpose of the article is to analyze the approaches of the ratio of philosophical and artistic understanding of the world, to consider the problem of the integrity of spiritual culture, as well as the search for models of the ratio of wisdom and creativity. The methodology is based on the application of General scientific and special methods of cog- nition, in particular: analysis, synthesis, logical method and generalization method. The scientific novelty lies in the introduction of the statement that philosophical creativity, following man into art, meets with a completely new image of man. To be human is to deviate from the goal, to distance oneself from abstraction, to overcome identification with the idea. Man can also be understood as creativity, which originates in the life of noumenal, that is, in freedom. Conclu- sions. Philosophy and art are those spiritual spaces in which not only individual beingness is embodied, but, in fact, in which the goal of further development of both man and humanity is formed. The creative potential of artists and philos- ophers creates a certain mood and is often the impetus for the concentration and ascent of the human soul through good to comprehend themselves.

Author Biography

Оlena Kunderevich

candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor, associate Professor of Philosophy, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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