Socio-cultural measures of legal culture


  • Anzhelika Savchenko



legal culture, culture, law, values, socio-cultural development of society, the formation of the legal culture of the individual


Purpose of the article is to study the socio-cultural conditions, character, ways, methods, and direction of the formation of legal culture, cultural norms and values as socio-cultural mechanisms for the formation of legal culture. The methodology of the research lies in using the method of culturological analysis, complex and holistic approaches, that allows outlining the socio-cultural problematics of legal culture in the socio-cultural environment, to highlight its essential measurements and aspects. The scientific novelty of the paper lies in reasoning the cultural norms and values as socio-cultural mechanisms for the formation of legal culture. Conclusions. The article studies socio-cultural conditions, character, ways, methods, and directions of the formation of legal culture, cultural norms and values as socio-cultural mechanisms for the formation of legal culture. It is outlined that legal culture is a multi-valued characteristic of one of the most important aspects of the life of society, which includes both the settled values, including the ones in the field of law, and various legal institutions and behavioral relations in the field of state and legal issues. The author attempts to ground the cultural norms and values as socio-cultural mechanisms for the formation of legal culture.

Author Biography

Anzhelika Savchenko

Ph.D. in Culturology, judge of the Economic Court of Kharkiv region


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