Objects of art with calendar symbols as elements of cultural heritage


  • Nataliia Shevchenko




objects of art with calendar symbols, elements of cultural heritage, cultural identity constants


Purpose of the article: the characteristic of the influence of monuments of the calendar value on the formation of new elements of the cultural heritage as cultural constants of the identity of the Ukrainian people. Methodology of the research is based on a comparative approach using the principles of socio-cultural and system analysis. Scientific novelty of the work is that for the first time a thorough analysis of modern sources on the issues of study of monuments of calendar value has been made, their potential as elements of cultural heritage and their role in shaping the cultural identity of the Ukrainian people have been determined, from the point of view of attracting objects of art with calendar symbols to tourist use and creation of new programs of tourist routes. Conclusions: it has been established that in the territory of modern Ukrainian lands for several thousand years a system of display of calendar and astronomical repre- sentations was formed, which at different intervals had a different sign design: ornaments from parallel strokes or in- scriptions on the mantle's neck and bracelets of the mystic culture; ceramic horned armchair in the form of a bull's head as a symbol of the worship of Trypillians to the heavenly Tilts; ornamentation on a spin-wheel of bronze time, corre- sponding to the main constellation, which the Sun passed from the point of spring to the point of autumnal equinox; stone sculpture of calendar value; calendar symbols on the clay products of the ancient Slavs; ceremonial holidays and calendar literature, which relates Trypillian civilization and modern elements of the sacred sphere of life of Ukrainians. The popularization of the objects of art of calendar symbols as elements of cultural heritage and their inclusion in the programs of tourist routes will contribute to the formation of the cultural identity of the Ukrainian people.

Author Biography

Nataliia Shevchenko

Ph.D. of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the De- partment of Art Management and Event Technologies National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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