Mentally identifiable values in the conditions of globalization transformations


  • Bogdan Stroutinsky



culture, globalization, intercultural dialogue, homogenized culture, ethnocultural values, mental values, national and cultural identity


The purpose of the research is to analyze the role of mental values as national and cultural identifiers in the dynamics of globalization processes of our time. The methodology of work involves the use of culturological, axiological methods to clarify the essence of mental values in the context of globalization issues; analytical - for the study of the globalization processes taking into account the various directional refraction vectors in accordance with the ethno-national environment. Scientific novelty is that for the first time the category of mental-identifying values as a marker of national-cultural-identical in the conditions of homalization, which determine the core of the identification ethno-cultural model, is distinguished. Conclusions. As a result of the study, it was discovered that the spiritual and spiritual values of peoples should not compete with the newest values that are determined by technologized and universalized cultural models, and cultural patterns that are apocryphalized by a globalized cultural context should not "erode" ethnonational values and cultural identities formed on their basis . Homogeneous culture today is an equal participant in the dialogue of cultures. The work of the state on the principles of fostering a friendly attitude towards other cultures, the development of various forms of intercultural exchange, but a mandatory condition for the preservation of ethno-national identity and cultural specificity in the conditions of globalization transformation should be directed at solving problems of forming the foundations of cultural dialogue and tolerance. It should also be borne in mind that for many representatives of the ethnic majority, the recognition of the rights of socio-cultural minorities also becomes a problem of value choice.

Author Biography

Bogdan Stroutinsky

Applicant of the National Academy of Cultural and Arts Management


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