To the problem of studying the historical origins of Chinese folk music


  • Marina Antoshko



folk music of China, musical art, cultural traditions, Chinese folklore, theater


The purpose of the article is to study the problem of folk music of China in historical perspective. The methodology of the research is to use historical and biographical methods in the study of this topic. The scientific novelty of the article is to investigate the feasibility of the problem of Chinese folk music and study its historical origins. For the first time, the historical names of the people who directly influenced the development of Chinese folk art, through which the cultural traditions of the East were clarified, were isolated. Conclusions: based on the study of the problem, in relation to Chinese folk music, discovered the processes of its development and original culture.

Author Biography

Marina Antoshko

Candidate of Arts, Associate Professor of the Department of General and Specialized  Piano of the National Music Academy of Ukraine named after P. Tchaikovsky


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