Maria Fedorivna Brovchenko as a founder of Nizhyn vocal school (for the centenary of his birthday)


  • Valentyna Malinievskaya



MF Brovchenko, Nizhyn, vocalist, pedagogy, Nizhyn vocal school, methodological and pedagogical principles and principles


Purpose of Research. The purpose of the article is to highlight the main artistic and pedagogical principles of M. Brovchenko's activity as the founder of the Nizhyn Vocal School. Methodology. The methodology of the research is 

based on interdisciplinary approaches, which allows using the knowledge of such sciences as History, Art history, Ped- agogy, etc.. The author uses the following scientific methods: the biographical method ( to allow to highlight the crea- tive way of M. Brovchenko as a vocalist); a historical method (to study the socio-cultural conditions of M. Brovchenko‘s development and her contribution to the development of the national musical art); an analysis (to distin- guish the basic principles of M. Brovchenko‘s vocal school). Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the article is in-depth analysis of the basic principles of vocal school M. Brovchenko and its activities in the Nizhyn State Pedagogi- cal Institute after M. Gogol. On the basis of archival materials and a family archive of the daughter of M. Brovchenko, the author has introduced unknown facts from the artist's biography. Conclusions. M. Brovchenko was one of the most outstanding figures of the Nizhyn vocal school, which embodied the professional performing qualities and pedagogical principles of education of future vocalists. The main principles of her vocal pedagogical activity are openness and heu- ristic character, individualism, systemicity and consistency, phonetic method, the principle of unity of vocal-technical and musical-artistic development of students, cantiling singing, vocal breathing, the method of teaching "from the voice".

Author Biography

Valentyna Malinievskaya

Honored Worker of Ukraine Culture, PhD in History, Associate Professor, the Di- rector of the Chernihiv Branch of the National Academy of Culture and Arts Management


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