
  • Oksana Minenko




female hairstyles, Antiquities, goddesses, Olympic pantheon, mythological scenes, visual arts


The purpose of the article is to determine the features of the development of women's hairstyles in the  context of the specificity of the beauty philosophy of the era of Antiquity. The methodology consists of the principles of objectivity, historicism, multifactorial character, systemic nature, complexity and pluralism; and to achieve the goal, the following methods were used: problem-chronological, concrete historical, statistical, descriptive, logical-analytical. Scientific novelty. An art history analysis of works of art was carried out in order to determine the specifics of the stylistics of female hairstyles in Greece and Rome (5th century BC – I 5th century AD); the influence of visual images of ancient Greek goddesses created by ancient masters on the formation of the ideal of female beauty and the popularization of new styles of female hairstyles, according to the ancient philosophy of beauty. Conclusions. Based on the study of female hairstyles of the era of Antiquity, it is proved that their style features are one of the aspects of the modification of human beauty, according to philosophical views and aesthetic ideals. Combining utilitarian, aesthetic and symbolic functions, the female hairstyles of the goddesses of the Olympic pantheon reflect the material, spiritual and social position of society, meet the artistic and aesthetic views characteristic of the Antiquity, the beauty ideals of which, despite transformations and modifications in the process of evolution, retained specific characteristics, corresponding to the established mentality of ancient Greek culture.

Author Biography

Oksana Minenko

candidate in the art criticism, Мunicipal higher educational institution «Khortytsa National Educational Rehabilitation Academy» 


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