Compositors style of Oleg Bezborodko: postmodern visions


  • Mykyta Pertsov



composer, O. Bezborodko, instrumental works, postmodernism, intertextuality


Purpose of the article. The outline of the characteristic features inherent in composer style O. Bezborodko  and the selection of those dominant tendencies that correlate with the directions of postmodernism. The methodology is related to the use of the analytical approach and the comparative method. These methods help to distinguish the leading signs of author's style O. Bezborodko. Scientific novelty. An attempt has been made to highlight the characteristic fea- tures that indicate the presence of postmodernist features in the work of O. Bezborodko. The specificity of his artistic vision of the world is determined, as a result of which his works act as a bridge between the musical practices of the  past and present. Conclusions. Features of composer style of Ukrainian composer Oleg Bezborodko are considered.  The following features of the creative approach, such as intertextuality, aspiration for dialogue with the musical culture of the past, a significant role of software, an emphasis on the visual beginning, are singled out. One of the leading fea- tures of Bezborodko's composer's style is the desire to rethink the heritage of classical music, to actively use the latest techniques of composition and to treat art as a space for philosophical reasons.

Author Biography

Mykyta Pertsov

candidate of Study of Art (Doctor of Philosophy), senior lecturer of the Department of Cham- ber Ensemble, Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine, Kyiv


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