Visualization of «spiritual reality» in the scenic composition «Yellow Sound» by W. Kandinsky


  • Alina Slivinska
  • Larysa Tzvetkova



W. Kandinsky, «Yellow sound», «spiritual pyramid», composition, stage composition


Purpose of the article. The article explores the concept of the «spiritual reality» by W. Kandinsky in the per- spective of the historical formation of the avant-garde. The study focuses on a better understanding of the meaning be- hind the use of spirit, creative spirit, spirituality, and the law of inner necessity in terms of this concept. «Spiritual pyramid» is considered as а visualization of spiritual development in the theory of W. Kandinsky. Methodology. To study the content of theoretical and scenic works of W. Kandinsky we apply historical, analytical, symbolic and allegor- ical methods. Scientific novelty. Based on the analysis of the theoretical works of V. Kandinsky, the article presents the artist‘s understanding of the essence of «spiritual reality» and describes the means of its visualization in the stage com- position «Yellow Sound». Conclusions. «Yellow sound» is an attempt by W. Kandinsky to go beyond the limits of traditional imagery in the visualization of the invisible, inner reality of being. Symbols of the art continuum of «Yellow sound» arise with the semantic codes used in dialogue with the outside world. Bold experiments in the stage composi- tion, including kinks of forms, separation of movement and colors into basic elements, deepening into abstract forms, create a new world of spiritual reality. Visual contact with color and form in a stage composition reveals the depths of spiritual reality. Yellow color acts as an epiphany of spirituality.

Author Biographies

Alina Slivinska

PhD in Philosophy, Assistant Professor, Institute of Design and Advertising, National Acade- my of Culture and Arts Management

Larysa Tzvetkova

Professor, Department of Choreographic Art, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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