David Burliuk’s artistic legacy as an object of theoretical analysis
D. Burliuk, artistic legacy, theoretical analysis, object, futurism, biographical method, personalization, culturological approach toolsAbstract
The purpose of the article. To consider the history of futurism who was shaped greatly by David Burliuk, an artist, poet and talented organizer of literary and artistic process in Russia and Ukraine within the 1910–1920s, basing on the set of research works done at the turn of the 21st century. Methodology of the study provides for the application of such main principles as personalization as a structural element of biographical method and dialogue, which allow to deepen and broaden objective knowledge as well as author‘s submission of futurism personalized core. The scientific novelty of the study lies in applying culturological approach tools to the analysis of D. Burliuk‘s artistic and theoretical legacy which is considered as a single phenomenon. Conclusions: 1. It is shown that D. Burliuk‘s creative work as well as his memoirs and the ones of his contemporaries reveal a new opportunity to evaluate objectively the contribution made by this outstanding personality to cultural formation processes in the first quarter of the 20th century. 2. The stud- ies concerning the period of the 1910–1920s are systematized and analyzed; the ideas to be of innovative nature are identified, they concern, on the one hand, the logics of European futurism development (mainly Italian one), but on the other hand, futurism Ukrainian and Russian models identity.
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