Synergetics of intellectual and emotionally sensual principles in the creative activity of the vocalist


  • Femiy Mustafayev заведующий кафедрой академического и эстрадного вокала и звуко- режиссуры Национальной академии руководящих кадров культуры и искусств, Народный артист Украины, Ukraine



academic vocal art, vocal technique, artistic image, synergetics, intelligence, emotions, emotional intelligence


The purpose of the article. The research highlights the problematic issues of the interconnection of intellectu- al and emotionally sensual principles in the creative activity of the vocalist. The methodology involves the use of em- pirical, systemic and structural methods and the synergistic approach, which allowed to characterize the intellectual and emotional significant components in their synergetic unity in the formation of vocal technique and the creation of artis- tic images. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the fact that in Ukrainian science for the first time the basics of vocal activity of the vocalist from the standpoint of synergetic unity of intellectual and emotional principles were considered. Conclusions. The mastery of the vocalist is to create an artistic image, the work of which involves posses- sion of vocal technique and the ability to embody characters and transmit feelings and emotions. The professionalism of the actor-vocalist consists of the synergistic combination of intellectual and emotional principles, which according to modern developments can be defined as emotional intelligence. The formation of a singing flutter occurs through the intellectual awareness of inner feelings and emotional memory, which become the basis for the training of vocal tech- niques. The creation of an artistic image goes through the management of their own conscious emotions and emotions of the public, which are subordinated to intellect.

Author Biography

Femiy Mustafayev, заведующий кафедрой академического и эстрадного вокала и звуко- режиссуры Национальной академии руководящих кадров культуры и искусств, Народный артист Украины

Head of the Department of Academic and Variety Vocal and Sound Processing of the Na- tional Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, People‟s Artist of Ukraine


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