Formation of bachelor architects’ creative thinking


  • Yuriy Larionov



creative thinking, individual-psychological peculiarity, visual training, bachelor, architect, creative abilities, educational and creative activity


The purpose of the article is to characterize the basic methods and principles of forming the creative thinking of bachelors in the process of studying visual disciplines at the Faculty of Architecture of the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, focused on the development of educational and professional activities of future architects. The methodology of the research is to apply analytical, comparative and systematic methods of research for the formation  of bachelors-architects‘ creative thinking by means of visual training. To achieve the stated goal and to solve the tasks, the analysis of scientific and methodological sources, normative documents, a generalization of scientific and pedagogi- cal experience on the issues of professional training of future architects has been used. The scientific novelty of the study is that it is the first attempt of a systematic analysis of the study of the development of future architects‘ creative thinking in the process of studying visual disciplines, which is based on a personally oriented approach, namely: the use of methods and techniques of pedagogical influence in accordance with the creative possibilities of students in order to ensure their personal development; the concept of students‘ creative thinking as a dynamic continuous process of indi- vidual properties modification of professional qualities together with professional visual abilities, which takes place during active educational and creative activity is specified. Conclusions: on the basis of the scientific and methodologi- cal analysis of work on the research, the potential of professional disciplines in the development of bachelor-architects‘ creative thinking is revealed; it relies on the fact that productive educational activity requires the intensification of the corresponding psychological processes, in turn, it stimulates the development of creative abilities of the person neces- sary for this activity. It is specified that creative thinking is an individual-psychological feature associated with gifted- ness, creativity, creative potential and other creative qualities of the individual.

Author Biography

Yuriy Larionov

Professor of Drawing Department of the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture


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