Strategy work on staging a play


  • Ninel Bychenko



director, directing, intrusion, play, statics, dynamics


The purpose of the article. On the basis of analysis and generalization of the works of the leading native and foreign representatives, practitioners and theorists of theatrical art, to study and systematize the experience regarding the basic principles of the future director's training and to determine the strategies for the the play staging by a fresh director, to outline and characterize the main stages of performance production. The methodology of the research is to apply analytical, historical, axiological and systematic approaches to reveal the main methods of working on the play production and its further staging. Scientific novelty. A system of arguments has been developed to claim that the leading method of work on the play is a "backward and forwards", which helps to better understand each subsequent development of events and relationships between actors. Conclusions. Every moment is important and should be in the  director's consideration. Moments of physical action, dialogues, pauses, filled with silence, content, usually filling out and transmitting a certain message. Each moment is the cause of the following one, they are the ones that make up the play. So, at the stage of the rehearsal, the director, together with the actors, should pause after each replica, discuss possible corrections and refinement of the moments, which will help to improve the quality of the play. Each play has its own rhythm, built into its structure. And the ability to capture that rhythm, the right balance of emphasis, the skills of expression, the ability to develop his author's style in the production of a dramatic work of arts is the success of the play and its production.

Author Biography

Ninel Bychenko

associated professor at directing and acting mastery department of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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