The aesthetic-psychological role of color in the design of the input groups of integrated trading enter- prises


  • Andrii Kulyk
  • Iryna Svets



color, design, embedded trade enterprises, psycho-emotional problems, aesthetic and artistic needs


The purpose of the article is to analyze the aesthetic-psychological role of color in arranging the entrance groups of built-in trading enterprises. Research Methodology. General scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, descriptiveness, etc. were used. In addition, a number of methods are integrated with the psychological, art critic ap- proaches using functional analysis. The scientific novelty consists in substantiating the importance of color and light as components of the solution for organizing urban space and its development. Conclusions. Light and color are insepara- ble in the human response to the world because they affect the visual perception of space. In turn, this affects the mental and emotional state of people. This ability of color can be called a kind of "color therapy." So, understanding the role of light, color, as well as the peculiarities of their interaction is fundamental to architecture as an art of forming and organ- izing space. What is also important in the planning of buildings in the modern city. The solution to the problem of color and illumination should be subordinate to all the tasks that are implemented in the process of arranging the entrance groups of integrated trading enterprises.

Author Biographies

Andrii Kulyk

lecturer of the Department of Design of Environment, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

Iryna Svets

Candidate of Biological Sciences,lecturer of the Department of Design of Environment, Kyiv Nation- al University of Culture and Arts


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