The Sonata 11 op. 22 B-durof L. Beethoven abreast actual intonations in pоstvаnguard - a post- pоstvааnguard culture to contemporaneity


  • Ling Ciung Da



genre of the sonata, style of the early sonatas of Beethoven, Viennese classicism, Zhozefine classicism, actual intonations


Purpose of the article - a comprehension of the Eleventh sonata of Beethoven with position performance mu- sicology, for which epic poet-lyrical line of the work, created on galley proof early and central periods to creative ac- tivity of composer, form the performance actual layer of the over-individual lyricism significant for expressive tone art modern post-vanguard - a post-post-vanguard (see.neosymbolism and inherent him "mosaic eclectic" in works of A.Mohl and  E.Markova).  The  methodology  - intonation concept of the  music,  presented  in  works of the  school of

B.Asafiev in Ukraine, under that style-comparative and hermeneutic, culturological foreshortenings of the analysis are leading and solving in the study. Scientific novelty - in the independence of the theoretical idea about style originality of the early period creative activity Beethoven in style correlation with nеосcymbolism of pоstvanguard - a post- pоst- vanguard of contemporaneity, defining style performance and auditory choice. Conclusions. The total done analysis emerge the following positions: 1) "general" intonations of the performance of the Eleventh sonata and A. Schnabel, and  M.  Grinberg  are  determined  semantic  element  oved-individual  lyricism  mortgaged  in  music  composer  text; 2) "general idea" of intonations, embracing united semantic floor poly-theme – poly-structural composition of Beetho- ven Sonatas, is realized at a rate of rhythm-dynamic facilities, which unite in editorial note (as this is made in publish- ing under editing A. Schnabel); 3) declared end-to-end performance intonations in the play of A. Schnabel are directed from I part as from "tops-source" to the following parts then beside M. Grinberg underlined epic "двукульминацион- ная" structure with symphonic separation I and IV parts; 4) Chinese performance tradition values the continuity with  the world lyric poets, who is presented in "прошубертианской of" line Viennese classicists and concentrated in per- formance A. Schnabel.

Author Biography

Ling Ciung Da

master, teacher to State conservatory in Guang Сhzhou 


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