A synergy of traditions and innovations as the basis of the existence of culture


  • Amina Aygistova




traditions, innovations, harmony, synergy, sociocultural changes, culture


The purpose of the article is to analyze the importance of a harmonious combination of traditions and innovations for the existence of culture. The methodology of the research is based on a comprehensive combination of both general scientific methods and methods integrated with a number of approaches - philosophical, cultural,  historical, sociological. Scientific novelty consists in substantiating the need for a harmonious combination of traditions and innovations to preserve the foundations of cultural existence under conditions of modernization changes. Conclusions. Harmony between traditions and innovations is observed in societies in which modernization processes have the character of translational organic changes, which protects the culture from crisis phenomena. In innovation and information societies, the role of traditions is more important than in traditional traditions, and in the tradition of them, they act as a kind of regulator and stabilizer of social processes, acting as, on the one hand, the resource base, which ensures the constant production of adaptive mechanisms, and on the other - Reduces the excessive dynamics of innovations. Therefore, the main task of modern innovations is to fit into the traditional sociocultural integrity, to become part of it, to dissolve, etc.

Author Biography

Amina Aygistova

applicant of the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts


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