Atlas Weekend - the largest music festival in Ukraine


  • Sviatoslav Berezhnyk



Atlas Weekend, headliner, music festivals, line-up


Purpose of the article is to analyze the history and practice of the «Atlas Weekend» festival, its cultural component and organizational differences from other major music festivals in Ukraine. Methodology. The methodology of the study: is the combination of biographical and textual analysis with the method of included observation. Scientific novelty. The author presents the social and communication characteristics and discloses the information principles of the organization of the festival "Atlas Weekend". His history and peculiarities of the artistic program are investigated, modern musical terminology is used in the research. Conclusions. The article analyzes the development of the largest musical festival in Ukraine. The achievements of the «Atlas Weekend» festival, the actual problems of the creative industry in the field of musical culture, are analyzed on the basis of Internet space and articles in specialized editions. The whole European cultural industry is built on the demand of consumers, artificially created and imposed by Western tendencies. Ukrainian festivals, although trying to adapt to the European festival space and  still remain too conservative for the European listener, and Western media have created the idea that Ukraine is not the best option for leisure. Such informational defamation has appeared on the side of the Western media, both during Euro 2012 and during the Eurovision 2017. The author presents the social and communication characteristics and discloses the information principles of the organization of the festival «Atlas Weekend». It explores its history and features with the use of modern musical terminology. The urgency of the study is due to the lack of sufficient information in Ukrainian scientific sources on the development of modern festival culture in Ukraine. We must admit that the masters of sciences are concentrated mainly at festivals of classical music, and do not explore poly-genres festivals at all.

Author Biography

Sviatoslav Berezhnyk

postgraduate, Kyiv National University Culture and Arts


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