The contribution of artists from Berezhany region in the music culture of western Ukrainian diaspora


  • Olena Gaidychuk



emigration, Ukrainian diaspora, Berezhany region, choir, conductor, opera singer, vocalist, soloist, choir soloist, bandura player


The purpose of the article is to make a retrospective analysis of people from Berezhany region by four waves of emigration during the last quarter of 19 up to the beginning of 21 century; to systematize forms, kinds, genres of mu- sical art which they have worked in; to highlight artists achievements and their role in the popularization of Ukrainian musical culture on the geographical world map. The methodology based on the analysis and comparison of the histori- cal, culturological, art critic literature, review of the artist`s personal archives, highlighting the musical activity of per- sons during emigration waves. The scientific novelty. In the study for the first time are considered the musical artistic  activity outside Ukraine separately the Berezhany territory in Ternopil region; are introduced to the scientific circulation the little-known in Ukraine personalities. Conclusions. The artists from Berezhany region during the four waves of em- igration have presented in diaspora the vocal (opera singers, concert chamber performers and choirs soloists), instru- mental (bandura players, mandolin players, violinists, pianists), choir (conductors), composers art and they have also made a significant contribution in notes publications and spreading the note music literature abroad, the did the big sci- entific researches in the musicological sphere, musical critic and musical pedagogy. On the geographical world map the most they are represented in Canada, USA, and Great Britain.

Author Biography

Olena Gaidychuk

graduate student of the National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, singer of Communal Concert Center of Culture «Academical chamber choir “Khreschatyk»


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