Twenty Irish songs with trio accompaniment (WoO 153) by L. Van Beethoven: at the intersection of national and author styles


  • Anastasia Davitadze



traditional Irish folklore, national and author's styles, chamber vocal works by L. van Beethoven, a genre of the arrangement, intonational assimilation, classical methods of composition


The purpose of the article. The research reveals and justifies some of the principles of the interaction of the national, traditional style of Irish folk songs with the classic style of L. van Beethoven. The methodology of the research is to apply genre-style and compositional-structural methods. The first method aims to trace the features of the composer's interpretation of genre-style and intonational characteristics of the folklore source. The second helps to uncover the whole and its components, in this case, it is a comprehensive overview of the collection at different levels of musical content. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the introduction into the Ukrainian-language musicology of the given sphere of creativity L. van Beethoven, since the composer's chamber vocal inheritance in the genre of folklore processing is still beyond the attention of scholars, while the works of great shape are becoming a priority for research. Beethoven's arrangements are examples of small forms that have become for the composer a channel of creative experiments, the crystallization of methods and approaches of the German master to the genre of processing, and their consideration complements – confirms or refutes – already known knowledge of the process of composer thinking. Conclusions. An analysis arrangement of twenty Irish songs proves the presence of stylistic absorption in them by the classical principles of thinking, compositional and intonational logic, assimilation of folklore and a professional composer's school, the discovery of a new artistic potential in a folk song, which can be either an example of traditional Irish music, or transformed into a work of professional art.

Author Biography

Anastasia Davitadze

postgraduate of Kharkiv National Kotlyarevsky University of Arts


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