The cultural and historical progressesof pop-music art directions


  • Marianna Druzhinets



pop music art, pop art, forms, styles and genres of pop music


The aim of the article is to consider the cultural and historical evolution of pop music on the basis of scien- tific research, to explicate the concept of " pop modern art" in the scientific aspect of art; to characterize the specifics of the trends of pop music art; to highlight the cultural and historical evolution of pop music art on the basis of scientific research. The methodology of the research includes comparative, historical and logical methods, analytical methods. This methodological approach allows us to reveal and analyze the cultural and historical progressions of pop music art, genre of pop art. Scientific novelty. For the first time in this article we tried to determine the directions and ways in which our pop art can develop. However, the insufficient development of the topic and the tasks and features of the mu- sical art in science makes some provisions open to discussion, the solution of which is important for contemporary cul- tural life. Conclusions. Musical art is a reflection of the traditions of the Ukrainian people, the peculiarities of mentality, consciousness of the Ukrainians. Each of the pop art styles and genres has specific artistic features and means of expressiveness; nowadays pop music art is characterized by versatility, a peculiar transformation of the style struc- ture. It preserves folk roots, ethnic traditions and occupies a separate place as an independent phenomenon of artistic culture in the second half of the XIX and the beginning of XX century. Thus, in the second half of the 19th and the be- ginning of the 20th century, musical genres of their own, formed by the unity of musical style, were formed and estab- lished. During the last two centuries, the national musical stage was formed in a broad, multifaceted direction of art.

Author Biography

Marianna Druzhinets

teacher of the pop music departmen of Kiev Municipal Academy of Pop and Circus Arts, the candidate of National Academy of Management of Culture and Arts


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