Regional peculiarities of the Cult of Fire in traditions and rituals in Bukovyna Hutsulshchina


  • Mykola Kozek



"living" fire, Cult of Fire, rituals, Hutsuls, traditions, culture, faith, beliefs


The purpose of the article is to expose and ground regional peculiarities, connected with the "Cult of Fire" in traditions of Bukovyn Hutsulshchyna. The methodology of the research is based on the use application of analytical, historic and comparative methods and is based on collecting information from Bukovyna respondents. The scientific novelty: new characteristic and features in honoring the Cult of Fire have been found which can be traced in traditions and rituals of the Bukovyntsiv. Conclusions It was proved, in the Hutsuls‘ traditions and rituals the Cult of Fire is a peculiar charm from various witch spells and hexes, aimed at doing evil to the family. It is worth noting that the Ukrainians of Bukovyna Hutsulshchyna are extremely superstitions ethnic population, who, have been keeping to magic rituals, connected with fire, since Pagan times and up to fill now. For the Bukovyn Hutsuls, honoring the Cult of Fire is a guarantee, that their genus will not die out the house will be full of wealth, and no evil force can influence their  economy. The Hutsuls believe that "living" fire, or "new" fire, has a special strength, as they make such fire on the dates of the most important event of the year.

Author Biography

Mykola Kozek

post-graduate student Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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