Grim as an object of scientific reflection


  • Ekaterina Malyarchuk



makeup, grating, scientific researches, study aids, research base


The purpose of the article is to systematize and briefly analyze sources of a scientific and practical character, in which various aspects of makeup and make-up are explored. Methodology. The research uses a number of methods of general scientific and special character: bibliographic, classification, generalization, systematization. Scientific novelty. The systematization of literary sources in the field of study of makeup and practical aspects of grinding with the aim of finding the most optimal ways to develop a methodological scientific position in their study. Conclusions. Interest in makeup among scientists is growing, however, there is no detailed study of makeup, especially in the Ukrainian design science, as it is true in a number of related sciences, despite the indisputable interdisciplinary nature of this phenomenon. After all, the concept of "make-up" is closely related to theater, cinema, stage design, make-up mask, incarnation/reincarnation, spectacle, etc. Therefore, its analysis is projected into the plane of study of these concepts, which at the same time are the object of interest of a number of sciences, which also requires consideration in the formation of the methodological basis of its study.

Author Biography

Ekaterina Malyarchuk

Postgraduate Student, Kiev National University of Culture and Arts, Kiev, Ukraine


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