The definition of "horn performing technique" from a historical perspective


  • Yevhen Churikov



horn, performance, technique, instrumental performance, horn performing technique


The purpose of the article is to explain the multifaceted definition of "horn performing technique" from a his- torical perspective. The methodology is related to applying to the extrapolation methods and theoretical analysis and synthesis. It is based on the conceptions of horn school representatives (L. Bielienov, B. Buianovskyi, A. Vdov, L. Po- liekh, I. Semeriaha, A. Usov, I. Yakustidi). The scientific novelty of obtained findings lies in the scientific rationale of theory regarding the special aspects of horn performance and development of horn performing technique including the possibility to analyze different horn schools and performers who have the strong potential to develop an art of horn. Conclusions. Based on the retrospective analysis of research and methodological and archive source materials it was found that the studied phenomenon is a complex activity where the system of relevant knowledge and skills ensures the success of the artistic interpretation of musical compositions and becomes a source of efficient performance activities as well. The definition "horn performing technique" was explained on the basis of the educational experience of instru- mental musicians. The problem is considered from the perspective of historical progress.

Author Biography

Yevhen Churikov

postgraduate student of Taras Shevchenko Luhansk National University, soloist of Zagreb philharmonic orchestra


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