Semiotics of the iconographic canon in the plot «The Sacrifice of Abraham»


  • Katerina Yakimenko



Sacrifice of Abraham, Isaac, semiotics, canon, image, iconography, sacred art


Purpose of Article. Is to identify the features of the iconography of the plot "Abraham Sacrifice", the defini- tion of its classification, and the analysis of the iconographic canon of the XVIII-XIX centuries. the characteristic of the investigated iconography on examples of concrete sacred objects. Methodology of the study envisaged the use of gen- eral scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, analogy), comparative and typological methods based on an interdiscipli- nary (cultural and artistic) approach. Scientific novelty. Defines the spheres and symbolic significance of the Ukrainian iconography "Sacrifice of Abraham" in the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries. Its use in temple art, in particular, al- tars. Identify the types of canons studied in the interconfessional context. Conclusions. The religious theme that caused the turbulent emotions, disputes, differences of historical facts, in particular, confessional neglect, inconsistency of iconographic interpretations in art, imperfection of the literary sources studied, etc., should be considered "Sacrifice of Abraham." The father's reference to the true death of his son, found an echo among the majority of the artists of the world, because there is no such country where this important event from the Bible was not told, which influenced the further development of mankind as a whole. A vivid example of this is the artifacts of sacral art investigated in the arti- cle, which require detailed analysis and expert examination of specialists.

Author Biography

Katerina Yakimenko

a candidate for the National Academy of Leaders of Culture and Arts


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