Forms of translation of art textile crafts in Kharkiv region as a factor of development of cultural tourism


  • Nadiia Bedrina



cultural tourism, art textile crafts, Kharkiv region, souvenir, ethnic festival, fair, master class, museum, Internet space.


The purpose of the article is analyzing of the forms of broadcasting of folk art textile crafts in the Kharkiv region: museums, festivals, fairs, master classes, Internet space as factors of cultural tourism development. The methodology is based on the use of the following set of tools: the axiological approach was used to clarify the semantic and value status of art textile crafts production in the Kharkiv region; the method of socio-cultural determination is applied in order to explain through the prism of culture the features of the studied historical and economic phenomena; the systematic approach helped us to study folk art textile crafts of the Kharkiv region as an entire system; the historical method made possible to identify the foundations of the formation of a local school of art textile crafts. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in a comprehensive study from the standpoint of cultural studies of forms of preservation and translation of the achievements of folk art textile creativity of Kharkiv craftswomen and craftsmen as factors of development of cultural tourism. The following forms of broadcasting of local art textile crafts and souvenirs are singled out and analyzed: museums, ethno-festivals, fairs, master-classes, Internet space. Conclusions. Kharkiv region has preserved the traditions of the local school of art textile crafts, based on which we can create a variety of souvenirs: ethnic clothing, carpets, coats, souvenirs with weaving patterns, etc. The production of local souvenirs is one of the factors increasing the tourist attractiveness of the region, as well as creating a brand of Kharkiv. The following forms of broadcasting products of folk art textile crafts in the Kharkiv region are distinguished: museums, ethno-festivals, fairs, master-classes, Internet space. It was found that the museums of Kharkiv and the region can promote the development of tourism through the organization of exhibitions, thematic lectures, souvenir shops; the leading role stand numerous ethno-festivals of the Kharkiv region in the popularization of cultural tourism and realization of souvenirs of art textile craft of local production is found out; it is suggested to pay more attention to art fairs, which is a historical tradition of Kharkiv province; it is proved that the master class is a progressive form of broadcasting the experience of craftswomen and craftsmen, promoting the achievements of artistic textile crafts of the region, raising cultural tourism; it is shown that the Internet is an important driving force in the dissemination of information and increasing demand for souvenirs of artistic textiles of Kharkiv region. It is noted that all these forms of translation of folk art textile crafts do not exist separately from each other, but as a form of synthesis, run in parallel and complement each other.


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