Evolution of correlation of terms sign and symbol in general semiotics, linguistics, and cultural studies


  • Nadiia Pashkova




sign, symbol, semiotics, linguistics, cultural studies.


The purpose of the article is to analyze the views on the relation between sign and symbol in modern linguistics and cultural studies and to formulate a theoretical conclusion in order to avoid misunderstandings in scientific works. The methodology is based on the application of an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the central concepts of semiotics, linguistics, and cultural studies. In addition to general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, a cultural-genetic method was used, as well as such linguistic methods as descriptive, comparative, methods of functional and conceptual-ideographic analysis. The scientific novelty of the study is that it first revealed the cause of differences in the interpretation of the relation between sign and symbol in traditional semiotics, modern linguistic and cultural studies, and formulated recommendations for their definition. Conclusions. It is proved that the opposition of sign and symbol in modern humanities is based on the special symbolism of the symbol, which distinguishes it from the other signs, classified by Ch. Pierce in traditional semiotics. Genetically, a symbol is a sign that has developed particular anthropogenic trait distinctions, contrasting with other signs, which nevertheless does not completely remove its sign properties and functions.


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