Distance education as an answer to today’s challenges: cultural and artistic aspect


  • Maryna Chumachenko




distance education, distance learning, higher education, information and communication technologies, educational environment, cultural and artistic education.


The purpose of the article lies in the comprehension of theoretical aspects of distance learning as the most efficient cultural and organizational paradigm of educational field development, specific nature of its realization, and prospects for cultural and artistic education development. The methodology of the research is based on the application of methods of hermeneutic interpretation (to determine specific features of distance education in foreign and national higher education establishments), comparative analysis (with the purpose to discover reasons for active development and peculiarities of realization of distance education technologies in European and US higher education establishments), structural and functional method (to discover the role of distance education in a time of civilizational globalization and social isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic). The scientific novelty lies in carrying out a theoretical analysis of distance education development in European countries, the USA and Ukraine, determination of advantages and disadvantages of implementation of distance education in the educational environment, the discovery of priority ways of distance education development for cultural and artistic disciplines. Conclusions. The COVID-19 pandemic provided conditions due to which adoption of distance education technologies to the traditional education system – internal and external – became the only possible form of implementation of the education activity. The new conditions caused the creation of a brand new educational environment that determined potential ways of higher education development in the future. The conceptual framework of search and realization of a new educational strategy needs to take into account a paradigm basis for cultural and artistic education and science development that is possible on the condition of adoptive integration of information and communication technologies into the cultural and artistic field.


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